Targeting “Implementation of the Idea of Flexicurity in the Professional Practice of Employment Agents and Careers Counsellors”, this manual (guide) presents the processes followed in the associated Leonardo da Vinci Partnership project, alongside common definitions of "flexicurity", and partner experiences resulting from pilot course delivery in four European partner countries. The manual also comprises a common training programme, presented as a course outline, that builds on and incorporates lessons learned during the pilot phase and which centres on a two-day programme of training via which "flexicurity" can be introduced to those working in a career guidance or career counselling capacity.
The manual, in particular the training programme, was designed to introduce the fairly-new concept of flexicurity to those working in a careers guidance or careers counselling capacity, enhancing existing guidance provision. As was observed by partners during pilot delivery, and as is noted in the manual under the heading of "conducted trainings", course provision followed a similar delivery model in all countries yet also had to be adapted, or tailored, to reflect the scope of implementation of flexicurity, and differing national forms of employment contracts, support and arrangements, in each country. Those considering future course delivery should be aware of existing national developments and all or any related employment legislation in the country of delivery. Whilst relatively simple in nature, the developed training programme might easily form the basis of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for careers guidance practitioners working in the public and private domains. The short duration of the programme ought not to be prohibitive in terms of involving active practitioners, either as course participants or in a training delivery capacity. Some initial knowledge of key concepts will be required by future trainers, including in terms of local employment legislation, and some course adaptation, or tailoring, might also be necessary to reflect national employment policies and practices.