How to Use the Toolkit?

The WBL Toolkit aims to support those working in the management, development, delivery and promotion of work-based learning. The Toolkit presents tools, models, practices and examples of WBL, taking place across a broad variety of learning scenarios and learning environments, the majority having been developed with the aid of funding through the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning and Erasmus+ Programmes.


The Toolkit promotes continuing and wider use of the hosted tools, products and examples, by others, with materials able to be accessed in a number of ways:


  • by selecting THEMES, you will be taken to a separate page where eight different aspects of work-based learning are introduced, covering issues such as capacity-building (for staff), quality assurance and learning recognition as well as the development and delivery of WBL;
  • by selecting FIND TOOLS, you will have the option to search and to filter all of the products and tools, finding that which best suits your own development or delivery needs;
  • by selecting RESOURCES, you will be able to access a small number of case examples which provide a more detailed insight into work-based learning policy and practice.

In all cases, we will continue to add tools, examples and materials to the Toolkit as they emerge from ongoing projects and initiatives.