Governance and Management

governance requires complex interplay between individuals, authorities and the world of work

This section of the toolkit provides tools that centre on:

  • developing systems, frameworks and regulations for the monitoring and delivery of work-based learning;
  • defining the rights, responsibilities and obligations of all involved parties;
  • confirming costs and benefits for society, companies and learners.

Governance and management of work-based learning requires a strong commitment from a broad range of stakeholders, together with effective mechanisms for collaboration and a clear definition of roles and responsibilities.

A starting point, in many cases, is the embedding of work-based learning commitments, and pathways, within regional or national education and training systems. Through this, a structured learning environment is assured that enables individual learners to access additional, continuing and advanced vocational and/or higher education, in which traditional or academic learning elements are complemented by one or more workplace or work-based learning actions.

With many work-based learners already forming part of the workforce, including those undertaking apprenticeships, there can be benefits to having in place individual learning agreements, or a broader learning delivery framework, in which the rights and obligations of each party (learner, employer, training provider) are outlined. Where part of a broader learning delivery framework, this might also consider the direct referencing of qualification standards, curricula (and targeted learning outcomes), quality assurance, and any monitoring or assessment tools that expect to be used.

The participation of professional bodies and social partners is also essential with a view to ensuring the relevance and appropriateness of work-based learning, including in terms of meeting expected training commitments and responding to future skills requirements in different occupational sectors.

Finally, the cost-benefit ratio is important in terms of securing employer participation in work-based learning. In some cases, particularly where small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) expect to be involved, there may be a need to look towards regulatory frameworks or government-led incentives that favour or encourage employer participation (e.g. tax reductions or employer subsidies).