- adult education
- alternance training
- apprenticeship
- assessment (of learning outcomes)
- basic skills
- certification (of learning outcomes)
- competence
- continuing vocational education and training
- curriculum
- employability
- formal learning
- informal learning
- initial education and training
- key skills / key competences
- knowledge
- non-formal learning
- on-the-job training
- qualification
- recognition (of learning outcomes)
- skill mismatch
- skills
- training of trainers
- transversal skills
- validation (of learning outcomes)
- vocational education and training (VET)
- volunteering
- work-based learning
Other Useful Glossaries
...which informed production of the Glossary in this Toolkit, are:
EQAVET Glossary
Cedefop Glossary on Quality in Education and Training.