Guidelines for Development of Apprenticeship in the VET System of Lithuania

Product Description
A contextualised yet informative report that centres on the Development of Apprenticeships in Lithuuania and which presents the experiences of a two year transfer of innovation project. Whilst not targeting a direct systems-level transfer, partners from four countries (England, Germany, France and the Netherlands) looked within their own apprenticeship systems to identify areas of good or interesting practice and aligned these with expectations for development and enhancement in a single recipient country. Comparison and analysis activities are each brought together in a single document, available in three languages (DE, EN, LT), allowing reflection on both the processes followed and the results and recommendations ultimately delivered. A useful resource for those tasked with developing, enhancing or reviewing apprenticeship-type programmes.
Needs, Context and Use
The report was produced with a view to presenting each of the key analysis and transfer phases and introduces these across three distinct chapters, covering: Comparison of the Context and Processes of Apprenticeship Development and its Implications for Policy Learning (chapter 3), External Context Challenges and Factors in the Introduction and Development of Apprenticeship in Lithuania (chapter 4) and Specific VET System Related Challenges and Factors in the Introduction and Development of Apprenticeship in Lithuania (chapter 5). Topics of notable interest include: Stakeholder and Social Partner Roles (chapter 4.1), Quality Control in Apprenticeship (chapter 4.2), Funding of Apprenticeship (chapter 4.3), Organisation of Training (chapter 5.3) and the Assessment of Learning Outcomes (chapter 5.1). With the original focus on a single recipient country (Lithuania), future audiences need to consider if and how the presented concepts and topics might align with their own systems and frameworks yet there are definitely a number of interesting themes and topics addressed in this publication that might serve as a useful prompt or reminder for those tasked with systems level change or programme level improvement.