Having been trialled internationally, involving partners from six European countries (Austria, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Spain and Italy), this resource acts as a guide to the European Teacher Trainer Tandem (ETT Tandem) model for those looking to trial or experiment with collaborative learning. The model introduces the ETT Tandem concept prior to confirming benefits, actors, processes and possible financing options for those considering introducing a similar model of cooperation in which exchange, observation, reflection and evaluation, joint development and collaborative teaching and training are targeted.
The ETT Tandem model and concept was developed as a means of exchanging knowledge, information and resources among those developing and delivering vocational education and training, building capacity among teaching and training professionals and others (including employers) that are working to deliver practical training that is relevant to the needs of the labour market. The ETT Tandem model acts as a practical guide for those wishing to initiate exchange and collaboration as a means of developing the capacity of VET staff. The ETT Tandem Model is freely accessible, in English, and has adopted a Creative Commons licensing model.