The EUPA Guide for Trainers was developed as part of a series of outputs and results (qualification framework; assessment tool; training materials) that centred on facilitating, delivering and measuring learning for those working as a Personal Assistant, or PA. Specifically, the Guide for Trainers targets presentation of a range of different training methodologies and materials able to be used for learning delivery in any environment. Tools and materials are referenced both to the targeted learning outcome and to a specific area of work (for example, mail handling, use of office equipment), with each supported by trainer notes, hints and tips, icebreakers and suggestions for evaluation. In section three of the Guide for Trainers, actual tools and materials are presented, each comprising a description of the exercise, resource requirements, expected solutions and, where appropriate, case studies.
Needs, Context and Use
The EUPA Guide for Trainers provides a set of useful tools and materials able to be used by those delivering learning to Personal Assistants (or those having similar responsibilities in an office environment) at EQF level 2. The EUPA Guide for Trainers is predominantly a set of methodological tools and resources that can be used to plan, guide and deliver learning, irrespective of the learning environment. Materials could be adapted or extended to meet specific learning needs, in related professions, or might serve purely as an example of materials preparation and presentation for those considering the development of a similar Guide for Trainers for use in other sectors.