NQF Inclusive - Catalogue of Standards (Handbook)

Product Description
The Catalogue (Handbook) of Standards, developed by the NQF Inclusive project, analyses three different vocation-specific training programmes, defining dedicated standards and levels of learning, the latter aligned with relevant national qualifications frameworks (NQFs). The Handbook includes learning outcomes definitions alongside tested assessment procedures and a draft certificate. Targeting improved quality in the design and delivery of basic skills development programmes and, as a consequence, greater social ad labour market inclusion among those graduating from these programmes, guidance and suggestions are provided in relation to the implementation of sectoral qualifications, specifically those aligned with levels 1 and 2 of the EQF.
Needs, Context and Use
The developed standards centre on the delivery of entry-level vocational training, often targeted at learners from disadvantaged groups and/or those with low levels of past educational achievement. Through defining common standards, the goal was to look beyond development, to assessment and certification, enabling programme participants to present knowledge, skills and competences in the form of a recognised award which confirms course achievement and the presence of technical knowledge and useable skills. The Catalogue (Handbook) of Standards supports the design of programmes and courses for disadvantaged learners or those recently (re)engaged in the learning process with Confectioners (in Austria), Cooks (in Denmark) and Health and Social Care Workers (in Malta) targeted for involvement in the original pilot. Materials have the potential to be adapted for use in wider sectors with part two of the Handbook containing introductory texts, on Learning Outcomes, able to be used with learners in all sectors.