A set of six Qualification Modules was further developed and transferred as part of the QualiProSH II project, one of a series of projects operating in the second hand, reuse and recycling sector. Each module provides materials able to facilitate the planning and delivery of targeted content with topics including: the Acquisition of Customers and Goods - Advertising Activities (module 1), Administration and Business Processes (module 2), Cleaning and Repairing Textiles (module 3), the Organisation of Goods Receipt (module 4), Purchase and Receipt of Goods (module 5) and Sales (module 6). Each module comprises a number of files which separately cover didactical planning, teaching and learning materials and examples of implementation. First phase modules, from an earlier project, complement these and cover an additional six themes: Cleaning and Repairing of Used Electrical Appliances (module 7), Dismantling and Disposing of Used Electrical Appliances (module 8), Transport of Used Electrical Appliances (module 9), Storage of Used Electrical Appliances (module 10), Social Skills I (module 11) and Social Skills II (module 12).
Modules can easily be adapted and incorporated into new or existing programmes by those wishing to prepare a new course or programme in the targeted second hand, reuse and recycling sector. From a work-based learning perspective, materials are notably relevant to this emerging sector and build on confirmed training and skills development needs: additionally useful, in this respect, is the “instrument to identify the needs of qualifications” as developed by QualiProSH II partners. Future training delivery is facilitated by the use of common materials yet methods for delivery are not limited to classroom environments with room for blended or workplace learning mechanisms to also be considered. Materials currently exist in English only.